Tag Archives: Fitness

Good Health – The most important thing in Life

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

You appreciate the real value of your health only after it’s lost. In its absence, when you fight the never-ending health problems, you understand how tough life can be without it. Realizing this, every time you get sick you act out of fear so that things don’t get worse. Yet, as soon as you get well, most often, you stop maintaining your health. This brings up the question: Why don’t you realize the importance of health maintenance, in living a good life, before your health is worsening?

If you don’t understand this simple concept, your body won’t protect your health at its full potential. As a result, your body will be prone to develop all kinds of pains in the joints, back, legs, etc, which will make your life even harder. Unfortunately, suffering from body aches is not an enjoyable living.

The good news is that there is an alternative.

You could eat healthier, exercise, and remove the bad habits out of your lifestyle, which would maintain your health strong. This kind of lifestyle will prevent your health from the sicknesses of tomorrow.

Healthy living is a lifestyle, not a short-term goal

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy when you have a day job, a family, or both.

It adds up so many tasks on your part that you hardly find time for yourself. By the end of the day, when the working day is over and kids are sleeping, you can finally have some rest and watch TV.

In your gut, you feel that you need to live healthier, but you don’t know how.

Despite the lack of time, you decide to go on a two-week diet and, after that, you plan to attend the gym for another 3 months. This should bring your body in good shape by summer, but it is not enough to keep you healthy for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, the two-week diet and the three-month exercising program are not enough to say that you follow a healthy lifestyle.

To follow a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you need to do is to give up on bad habits. From there, you’ll gain more willpower to exercise and eat healthier.

Healthy living prevents disorder in life

Life is an ongoing process that impacts important aspects of it. If you don’t control these changes, life gradually declines into disorder.

Your health is also under continuous change and if you don’t keep it under control, it may gradually worsen.

Let’s take the human body, as an example. As it ages, the hair grays out, the skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear on the face, health slows down, etc. These changes become noticeable as you grow and are a sign that your health requires your attention.

Healthy living slows down the decline of your health into disorder. It provides a living with fewer health-related sufferings. It improves self-confidence and self-esteem. And it feels good when you can enjoy life.

You have complete control over your lifestyle

Your health is the gift given to you at birth. You choose how to spend it. Will you have it burn fast? Or, let your health serve you as long as possible?

You have total control over your lifestyle and the kind of lifestyle you live has a certain impact on your health.

The ability to control your health by tweaking your lifestyle is the distinctive aspect of health. You don’t have such control in other aspects of your life.

For example.

  • Relationships: you can’t have somebody involve in a relationship with you if that person doesn’t feel anything for you. You can’t have control over someone’s feelings.
  • Money making: to improve your financial status you need to have skills that you can sell. It takes years to gain skills but in the end, the customer decides whom to hire.
  • In sport: if you want to become a champion in karate you must beat your opponent. Unfortunately, if you don’t have control over your opponent’s training process to be able to influence it somehow.

The man who earns a million but destroys his health in the process is not really a success. Our health is something we often take for granted. But, there are some things in life that should never be taken for granted.

Take care of yourself dear LLET friend … It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver !!!


go to our  “HEALTH  PAGE”  and find more similar topics

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In order to start believing in your potential, you have to start by setting small goals – the same is with Bodybuilding ! 

Bodybuilding is all about form. At its highest levels, bodybuilders are trying to cultivate aesthetic perfection in the human physique. In other words, bodybuilding is about getting jacked. Bodybuilding is primarily concerned with looks, big muscles, low body fat. It aims to realize the potential of every single muscle in the human body to grow while maintaining balance and cohesion. No big quads and small glutes, or big biceps and small triceps. Bodybuilders want everything to grow not for extra functionality, but because they look better that way.

People use all sorts of different methods to bodybuild. What makes bodybuilding bodybuilding isn’t so much the methods – although there are definite trends. There are keto bodybuilders doing medium rep sets and basic “balanced diet” bodybuilders doing high rep sets. It’s the intent.

Bodybuilders want to look strong and impressive. They’re judged based on how they look, not what they can lift.


What can bodybuilders expect to get from bodybuilding?

  • Better body composition – more lean mass, less body fat;
  • Strength – big muscles usually increase strength, though not necessarily functional strength;
  • Better insulin sensitivity – bigger muscles mean bigger glycogen sinks, and strength training increases insulin sensitivity;
  • Increased bone density and all the wonderful adaptive benefits of lifting heavy things.

For one thing, successful bodybuilding requires planning, careful attention to technique, and a strong mind-body awareness and presence of mind to “feel” the muscle working. Research confirms that rather than use “extreme, non-evidence-based regimens,” bodybuilders use “evidence-based” nutrition strategies to achieve their desired physiques. In addition, strength training (and exercise in general) supports brain health and triggers brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promotes neuronal growth and protects against neurodegenerative disease.


Bodybuilders never do compound exercises

The notion that bodybuilders are only using machines and doing isolation exercises is simply wrong. Arnold started with squats, Ronnie Coleman squatted and deadlifted. Tom Platz definitely squatted. A bodybuilder might do a lot of curls, but never in the squat rack.

Beside Bodybuilding there is also something that we call CrossFit – What is it?

Both CrossFit and bodybuilding involve lifting weights and putting them back down, repeatedly, several times each week. Both are forms of exercise. The similarities stop there. The real meat lies in the differences.

First of all, defining CrossFit by real world examples is difficult; there are tons. There’s so-called “homepage CrossFit,” where you go to CrossFit.com and do the Workout of the Day (WOD) as prescribed. That’s become less and less popular as more CF boxes open up and employ their own programming. These days, those doing main page CF are mostly individuals following along at home or at regular gyms.

It’s better to look at the overarching intent of the CrossFit philosophy.


CrossFit is all about function. Rather than emphasizing aesthetics, it focuses on increasing work capacity. It’s trying to make people better at producing a given amount of work in less time than before. If you can go from doing 10 pullups in two minutes to doing 20 pullups in two minutes, you’ve just increased your work capacity. CrossFit wants its athletes to not only lift heavy things, but lift heavy things repeatedly with less rest.

It also wants to increase your work capacity across “broad modal domains.” What does that mean? Rather than increase only pullup work capacity, it wants you to improve your work capacity across every mode of movement humans engage in: running, rowing, jumping, squatting, deadlifting, throwing, climbing, carrying, pushing, pressing, clean-and-jerking. CrossFitters are training for “the sport of fitness” – for overall adaptive fitness.

And actually, what most people imagine when they think of CrossFit isn’t too far off from the reality:

  • High-intensity full-body movements performed for time;
  • “As many reps as possible” (AMRAP) workouts;
  • Olympic lifts for reps;
  • Endless pullups and ring dips;
  • Rowing, sprinting, climbing;
  • Varied modes of movement.


Benefits Of Each

What can bodybuilders expect to get from bodybuilding?

  • Better body composition- more lean mass, less body fat;
  • Strength – big muscles usually increase strength, though not necessarily functional strength;
  • Better insulin sensitivity – bigger muscles mean bigger glycogen sinks, and strength training increases insulin sensitivity;
  • Increased bone density and all the wonderful adaptive benefits of lifting heavy things.

What can CrossFitters expect to get out of CrossFit?

  • Improvements in both strength, anaerobic, and aerobic capacity;
  • Better functional movement patterns;
  • Better insulin sensitivity;
  • Increased bone density;
  • Better cardio vascular health.

What Can CrossFitters and Bodybuilders Learn From Each Other?

CrossFitters can learn:

The importance of discipline. To be a successful bodybuilder, you can’t “just eat whatever” and “train here and there.” You don’t just bang out a quick 20-minute session. You’re in the gym for 1-2 hours, spending half your time on the triceps. You’re meal planning a week in advance. It requires dedication and extreme discipline to really influence body composition to the degree body builders do, develop a balanced physique, and maintain low-enough body fat that you can see all your hard work. There’s a constant dance between eating enough to gain muscle and keeping body fat low. The cut and bulk. That isn’t easy.

The importance of quality of movement. Since a big concern is work performed across time, CrossFitters will often look for short cuts to improve performance without building the appropriate foundation. A good example of this is launching into kipping pullups (which use explosive momentum and demand a lot of shoulder mobility and strength) before you can do more than one strict pull up on your own.

The benefits of isolation exercises. Many folks in the online fitness/health community—not just CrossFitters—neglect the benefits of isolation exercises, often gleefully. “Those are for the beach,” they’ll say, or “pullups are enough, no need for curls.” Yet, sometimes isolation exercises can actually translate to real life capability by strengthening a weak link. If you’re doing nothing but pullups and rows without any direct bicep work, consider doing some. Another example is the pistol squat; it’s not hard because of inadequate quad or hamstring strength, but because the hip flexors and ankles are weak and lack mobility. An isolated focus on those relatively “minor” muscles can make a huge difference.


Bodybuilders can learn:

The benefits of overall fitness rather than just weight training. Looking big and strong is great. No arguments there. But it’s fun to be able to move through time and space with fluidity and grace—and explosiveness. There’s no reason to avoid improving your cardiovascular and anaerobic fitness, or put those big muscles to work. If anything, doing so will improve your physique and make your bodybuilding more effective.

The importance of compound barbell movements. While I know the big names pay their dues with squats, deadlifts, and other compound lifts, many of the beginners stumbling around the globo-gym neglect the big lifts in favor of exclusively doing isolation exercises.


after all…

Every human wants to look good, to appear strong and competent and aesthetic.

Every human wants to be strong and competent, with the ability to impose his or her will on the world.

What about You dear LLET friend ? 


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Live life to the fullest and focus on all that is positive about you and around you … You’ve always been beautiful – Now you’ve just decided to be healthier !

Fitness – a simple word whose meaning is far-reaching and occupies almost every corner of our lives. Be it physical, emotional or mental, our fitness dictates how we function, and all aspects of it are intertwined – with one consistently affecting the other.

Physical fitness is about more than just losing weight or gaining muscle – it’s about laying down a foundation upon which your life can be built. A body in a positive physical state becomes a tremendous asset to draw from both inside the gym and out when it comes to issues such as alleviating stress, the promotion of healthier personal and professional relationships, learning how to better manage your time (and follow through on commitments) by way of scheduled activity, and an overall sense of mental clarity.


The “why” of fitness and its importance is easy to answer – but the “how” can be arrived at in a number of ways. You might enjoy participating in a sport-related activity (tennis, squash, golf), or you could get together with your friends to take part in a group class (aerobic, yoga, spinning).

Of course, there are also individuals that prefer to simply grab a pair of dumbbells and have at it or jump on a treadmill and run the day away. Everyone is unique in how they pursue their fitness goals – but we all share a common purpose: to make tomorrow better than yesterday!!!

LLET is here to help you with your fitness goals and to become your magical fitness center.


Where we are today with our definition of Fitness

For many people, going to the gym fully encompasses all the fitness we get in our life. We have desk jobs where we stay sedentary for 8 hours a day and have other demands of our time afterwards that don’t include getting out and getting active. Our evenings may also involve little activity, turning in for bed after sitting down to watch TV for a few hours while consuming high-calorie processed foods.

Is it any wonder that we’re experiencing the health problems we are today? The high-sugar foods we’re eating send a surge of insulin streaming through our veins, which then sucks all that excess sugar up and deposits it straight into our bodies’ fat stores. This will also cause an elevation in blood triglycerides to take place as well, setting us up for heart disease.

Some of us do go so far as to create structured workout programs in the gym, which is good, but this doesn’t get us mentally fit like non-gym activities do. Nor does it challenge our bodies in innovative ways. With gym activities, you’ll be performing the same repetitive motion time and time again, so there is little thought required to complete the activity. If you were to go out and play a game of soccer, for example, your mind must shift constantly and pay attention to what’s going on in the field. This added mental stimulation will not only improve your fitness while enhancing your mind-body coordination, but it will also keep you that much more interested in the workout as well. Think of our ancestors hunting for their meal, no two pursuits quite the same. While a few people do like to go into the gym and ‘zone out’ as they find it relieves stress, most people need more than that.

Creating the Happy Medium

This brings us to our solution. To reap all the fitness benefits possible, you need to change your definition of fitness and think outside the box. Rather than strictly looking to the gym for workout sessions to perform, consider activities that you used to enjoy as a child or young teen but don’t make time for any longer. If you could perform any activity simply for enjoyment sake, what would it be? Once you have your answer to this question, this is what you want to start doing at least once per week.

You still should aim to have a structured workout program in place – especially one that includes some resistance training as this is imperative to preventing lean muscle mass loss and maintaining an elevated metabolic rate – but beyond that, don’t be scared to venture out of the gym into other activities. Team sports, solo activities, or even group-led activities can all help to bring about fitness gains and improve your health.


Why is fitness important?

When we are very young, say in our teens to late twenties, we do not realize the importance of being fit. Because we are young, our body is capable of coping up with all the mental and physical stress and abuse. Because we do not bother to take care of our body during these years, there is no insurance for middle age and old age.

Just like any machinery collapses or some part of it wears out due to negligence or no maintenance, the body too is biological machinery with several systems working inside and lack of care and maintenance may gradually lead to certain handicaps with age. It is simple, “Don’t use it, you lose it”. 

Fitness provides self dependent

Regardless of over-weight or non over weight, staying fit is an insurance to be self dependent in old age. As a minimum requirement, every individual should accumulate at least 30 minutes of exercise on most and preferably all days of the week. 

Fitness provides health benefits, that is low risk for disease and being able to perform daily activities with vigour, can be achieved with moderate amount of exercise. 

Fitness keeps diseases at bay

There are several diseases which are called lifestyle diseases which are associated with sedentary lifestyle combined with not so healthy diet. Exercise prevents occurrence of cardiac events, reduces the incidence of stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, colon cancer, breast cancer, osteoporotic fractures, gallbladder disease, obesity, depression, anxiety and delay mortality. 

Individuals who change from a sedentary lifestyle to being physically active or who change from being physically unfit to physically fit, experience lower rates of disease compared with those who continue to remain sedentary or unfit. It is never too late to become physically active to achieve health benefits. 

Positive impact on your family

Improvement in your physical health will have a positive impact on your family, your personal relationships, your business and every aspect of your life. Apart from these it also helps you to reduce your expenditures on health care thus providing you the economic benefit as well. Exercise is a health tool to achieve physical fitness and every individual whether over weight or non overweight should take its importance seriously.  


Exercise requires efforts and self control

Exercise requires efforts and self control, but when these are combined to form a healthy life style, the rewards that you reap are beyond substantial. Individuals lead a more enjoyable, energetic and happier life.

Unlock your full potential and live a more fulfilling life dear LLET friend !!!


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Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow !





Welcome to LLET World of Knowledge – our World of Happiness and Joy dear friend !

Knowledge is our fuel, every information is one new step to success, every advice is new station, every lesson is one new destination… We can go far together and visit many places in world of knowledge – are you ready?


A huge percentage of what we know came from watching and listening to our parents, experimenting with and testing out new ideas or skills on friends, family, colleagues, and strangers, taking risks and failing or succeeding in front of others, gauging reactions, adjusting and adapting.

All of this is part of the process of lifelong learning, and it is – and always has been highly social – even before blogs, Twitter and Facebook.


Learning sparks social engagement – we often connect with others because we want to learn from them and with them. Let’s then enjoy and learn together, I’m so glad that You are here dear friend – Welcome to one new journey and wonderful adventure…




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